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Braked Castors
Braked Castors are sometimes referred to as lockable castors and it is usually swivel castors that have brakes. The Brake can lock either the wheel (Wheel Brake), the swivel head (Directional Lock), or both simultaneously (Total Stop or Swivel & Wheel Brake). It is un...common to find a fixed castor with a brake. Our GD Series of shock absorbing castors is one of the few that do. See GDS Shock Absorbing Castors here.Braked Castors can swivel the wheel 360 degrees about the vertical axis. They consist of a housing with a lockable brake and a caster wheel. The housing itself is made up of a plate fitting, swivel bearings and a yoke. The Yoke is often referred to as the castor’s frame or bracket.
The plate fitting determines how the castor is going to be attached to the equipment. It is usually either a single bolt hole fitting or a plate fixing which is generally square, rectangular or triangular. Plate fittings are usually bolted to equipment so knowing your required bolt hole centres is important. The Swivel Head consists of a ball race and a number of ball bearings that roll within it. Braked Castors, like Swivel Castors, can either have a single ball race or a double ball race. They perform the same function. The double ball race was developed for medium and heavy applications. This is because they are compact, perform well under static and dynamic loads and provide excellent steerability.
Braked Castor Offset
The Braked Castor’s offset it the distance from the swivel axis to the centre of the wheel (where it is secured to the castor frame). It is the reason any swivelling castor will go in the direction you want it to go regardless its starting direction. Read More
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125mm Swivel Castor with Brake, 250kg Capacity | Nylon Wheel, Roller Bearing (522NYBTSB)
125mm Top Plate Swivel Castor and Swivel & Whe... Read Moreel Brake (Flexello Brand - Pressed Steel) with 80x60 Hole Centres. White Nylon Wheel with Roller Bearing. The Load Capacity is 250kg using manual propulsion at 4km/h (walking Speed) -
In Stock
200mm Shock Absorbing Fixed Castor With Brake, 450kg Capacity | Polyurethane Tyre Wheel, Ball bearing (KGDSP200BRFMUD)
200mm Shock absorbing (15mm Compression) fixed ... Read Morecastor with Brake and Polyurethane Tyre on an Aluminium Centre Wheel. Load Capacity = 450kg
For the compression performance, please see the image for the curve by clicking on the thumbnail image above. To use this curve, calculate the weight being carried by this castor and divide that by the one less than the number of castors on your equipment.
For a typical example, with a trolley or machinery using 4 of these castors please divide the total weight by 3. If the total weight being carried is 500kg then the relevant reading for the compression of the rubber pad on the chart's 'Y' axis is given at 167kg (500kg / 3 = 167kg) along the 'X' axis, which is just over 10mm.
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150mm Swivel and Brake Castor, 100kg Capacity | Rubber Tyre Wheel, Ball Bearing (KAHB150TPR)
This apparatu... Read Mores / institutional castor comes with a 150mm Grey Thermoplastic Rubber Tyre Wheel on a polypropylene centre fitted into a 10mm Single Bolt Hole Swivel Castor with a total stop brake (Pressed Steel Frame) with a double ball race in the swivel head. A total stop brake brakes both the swivel head and the wheel. The load capacity of this castor is 100kg using manual propulsion at 4km/h
This castor is fitted with a grey Thermoplastic Rubber Tyre Wheel that will not mark or damage the floor and is ideal for most general castor purposes such as trolley castors or dolly castors. The Ball Bearing in the wheel provides excellent rolling performance.
Single Bolt Hole castors can have a expander tube fitting (purchased separately) attached to insert into hollow square or round tubing. See our section on Expander Tube Fittings
Out of Stock - On the Way
250mm Swivel Castor with Brake, 1500kg Capacity | Polyurethane Tyre Wheel, Ball Bearing (KS250PCB1500SWB)
250mm Top Plate Swivel Castor and Swivel & Whe... Read Moreel Brake (Industrial Castor) with 160x120 Hole Centres. Polyurethane Tyre / Cast Iron Centre Wheel with Ball Bearing. Load Capacity = 1500kg -
In Stock
200mm Swivel Castor with Brake, 550kg Capacity | Nylon Wheel, Ball Bearing (KS200NYB550SWB)
200mm Top Plate Swivel Castor and Swivel & Wheel B... Read Morerake (Industrial Castor) with 105x80 Hole Centres. Nylon Wheel with Ball Bearing. Load Capacity = 550kg -
In Stock
100mm Shock Absorbing Swivel Castor With Brake, 100kg Capacity | Polyurethane Tyre Wheel, Ball bearing (GDS100B75SF)
... Read Moreriant-east-asian: normal; font-size: 14px;">100mm Shock Absorbing Swivel Castor with Brake, Polurethane tyre on Aluminium Centre c/w precision ball bearings, Load Capacity = 100kg. Overall height without load = 160mm. Overall height reduces incrementally by up to 20mm as load increases (see image 2 - GDS100 Curve) and fully compressed with a load of 75kg. -
In Stock
80mm Swivel Castor with Brake, 70kg Capacity | Rubber Tyre Wheel, Roller Bearing (MSV080BRP1BSWB)
80mm Black Rubber Tyre wheel on a plastic centr... Read Moree with a roller bearing fitted into a pressed steel swivel and brake castor bracket. The Swivel Brake Bracket has a 4 hole top plate with 80x60mm bolt hole spacing. The load capacity of this castor is 70kg using manual propulsion at 4km/h (walking speed)
The Black Rubber Tyre is softer wheel compared to hard tread wheels like nylon and the rubber absorbs vibrations whilst in motion making this a low noise option and will not scratch the floor. The roller bearing lowers the rolling resistance to reduce the effort required to move the castors. Together with the strong bracket that has a double ball race in the swivel head makes this castors a great choice for many industrial or domestic applications.
The wheel might leave marks on the floor and if you want a non-marking version of this castor please order our MSV080GRP1BSWB
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125mm Swivel Castor with Brake, 350kg Capacity | Polyurethane Tyre Wheel, Ball bearing (KBMG125CRPCB)
125mm Swivel Castor (Fabricated Steel) with Swivel... Read More & Wheel Brake. Crown Tread Polyurethane Tyred / Cast Iron Centre Wheel with Ball Bearing. Load Capacity = 350kg -
In Stock
160mm Swivel Castor with Brake, 800kg Capacity | Polyurethane Tyre Wheel, Ball bearing (4677FTP160P63)
160mm Top Plate Swivel Castor with Swivel & Wh... Read Moreeel Brake (Pressed Steel) With 105X80mm Bolt Hole Centres. Polyurethane This very heavy duty castor houses an extremely strong Polyurethane Tyre Wheel on a Cast Iron Centre Wheel With Ball Bearing. Load Capacity = 800Kg -
In Stock
100mm Swivel and Brake Castor, 150kg Capacity | Rubber Tyre Wheel, Roller Bearing (MSVH100RN1BSWB)
100mm Single Bolt Hole (12mm) Swivel Castor with S... Read Morewivel and Wheel Brake (Pressed Steel). Blue Rubber Tyred / Nylon Centred Wheel with Roller Bearing. Load Capacity = 150kg -
In Stock
150mm Swivel Castor with Brake, 725kg Capacity | Polyurethane Tyre Wheel, Roller Bearing (655SUBSWB)
150mm Top Plate Swivel Castor with Swivel & Wh... Read Moreeel Brake. The 4 hole top plate measures 162mm x 140mm with 140mm x 105mm Bolt Hole Centres. to suit a 10mm Fixing Bolt. The Wheel has a Red Polyurethane Tyre on Red Painted Cast Iron Centre with a Needle Roller Bearing. Load Capacity = 725kg. The 55 series castor is made from heavy duty pressed steel with a bright zinc finish and roller ball bearing in the swivel head. -
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75mm Swivel Castor with Brake, 75kg Capacity | Thermoplastic Rubber Wheel, Ball Bearing (KATB075TPR)
Keystone Appa... Read Moreratus / Institutional Castor with 75mm Grey Thermoplastic Wheel fitted into a Top Plate fitting Pressed Steel Swivel and Brake Castor with slotted bolt hole centres measuring 48/39x48/39mm. This castor has a total stop brake that brakes both the swivel action and the wheel. The load capacity of this castor is 75kg using manual propulsion at 4km/h
Running on a quality ball bearing to offer excellent rolling performance, this popular apparatus castor is a great choice for a wide range of industrial and domestic applications such as trolley and garment rails, medical devices and hospitality equipment. Fitted with a grey thermoplastic wheel on a polypropylene centre this wheel is non-marking and gentle on floors.The wheel has a large plastic thread guard to protect the ball bearing from dirt ingress
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125mm Swivel and Brake Castor, 150kg Capacity | Rubber Tyre Wheel, Ball Bearing (MSVH125RN2BSWB)
125mm Single Bolt Hole (12mm) Pressed Steel Swivel... Read More Castor with Swivel and Wheel Brake. This castor has an Elastic Blue Rubber Tyred Wheel on a Nylon Centred Wheel with a Single Ball Bearing. The Load Capacity is 150kg using manual propulsion at 4km/h. -
In Stock
125mm Swivel and Brake Castor, 150kg Capacity | Polyurethane Tyre Wheel, Ball Bearing (1322088)
125mm Bolt Hole Swivel Castor and Swivel & ... Read MoreWheel brake (Pressed Steel) with 10mm Bolt Hole. Polyurethane Tyre / Nylon Centre Wheel with Ball Bearing. Load Capacity = 150kg
This product has been discontinued. The closest alternative is our 1322768 which is the same bracket and wheel but with a roller bearing rather than a ball bearing.
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240mm Braked Castor 150kg Load Capacity, Puncture Proof, Pressed Steel Bracket (KS260EVABR)
240mm Puncture Proof Swivel Castor with Swivel and... Read More Wheel Brake (Pressed Steel). This castors has a 200X160mm Top Plate Dimensions with 150X115mm Fixing Bolt Hole Centres and an Overall Height of 297mm. The wheel has an 85mm Tread Width and Roller Bearing. Load Capacity = 150kg.